Your first time at the sauna


Our spa, a discrete, pleasant and safe place, has operated for 22 years.
It has produced couples as well as just some one-night fun.
When you feel like meeting someone without spending wasted hours

on dating sites we are your solution.
We offer free wifi throughout the premises, as well as a computer area with
speedy internet for work, movies or recreational viewing.
Many of our customers recommend our sauna to their friends, and after
these new customers visit us they are always amazed – too bad we didn’t come here sooner!


 The WhatsApp group of the sauna:

Telegram channel (anonymous):

בינה נט תקשורת ומחשבים
הפריון 4 אזור תעשייה צפוני  אשדוד
נייד: 050-349-777-5 פקס:153-50-349-777-5

75 Allenby street, tel aviv.

The entrance to the sauna is inside the hotel building​